Category Archives: AGM

AGM Sunday 21st May 2023

CHANGE OF TIME : 4PM, Leek Rugby Club

Please note that the AGM for St Edwards Park for Members only is on Sunday 21st May at 2 pm in the Rugby club.

If you want to put yourself forward as a Volunteer director this year – what do you need to do?

Last year it was put back in the Articles that the Directors resign each year and they and/or new Directors (7) are voted in.

So, what does it involve? You obviously need to let others know about you and how you think you can help. Learning from this year we would say:

  • It would better suit someone who was part-time employed or retired.
  • It can take, on average, 2 hours a week , sometimes more depending if you are arranging / working with contractors on site (it can take an hour and half to take a contractor round all the apartments blocks) . You may occasionally visit an owner if there is a query that is better sorted face to face.
  • More representation from owners of the apartments would be great as that will give a larger knowledge-base of Lease intricacies from the point of view of the owners most supported by the volunteer Management Company. Also, you are around to see how works are going and check up on work completed.
  • You don’t have to have ‘director’ experience to volunteer for this role. You just need to care about our Park and respect the people who live here.
  • If you don’t know much about the Leases and Articles of Association, there are people willing to help with this.

So, if you think this is for you, please email us a paragraph about yourself preferably a week before the AGM date. You will also let others now about you so they can vote for you!

If in the mean time you have any questions about your service charges, please click here to send them in.